So picking a name is something I thought would be way easier
than it is. A name is something that is going to stick with them the rest of
their lives, people name their children for many different reasons, for example
a relative’s name, one that they want to carry on, a memory that brings good
feelings or just because they like it. When my parents picked out names for my
4 siblings and myself, they all had meanings, my sister Tammy was for Tammy
Wynette the country music artist, my sister Tiffany was for the movie Breakfast
at Tiffany’s, my sister Sarah was because of Sara Lee Bakery, Jeremy my brother
was simply because my Mom like the name, now when they finally stopped at
perfection that handsome baby boy was named Shane from the old western of the
same name. My wife has 3 Ann's in the family, but no one knows where the name
had come from, they must just like the name I guess. my wife and I have chosen
to keep our baby's name a secret until the birth for a variety of reasons, but
we have multiple choices in case the awesome name #1 doesn’t look like the
baby, but name #3 does.